🦊 FOCS 2024 Workshop: Recent Advances in Quantum Learning

Date: October 27, 2024

How can we learn about properties of quantum systems? Given that, to the best of our knowledge, the world is fundamentally quantum, this question is arguably one of the most fundamental statistical estimation problems, and also has important ramifications for the development of large scale quantum devices. While such questions have a long history dating back to seminal work of Helstrom and Holevo, amongst others, there has been a recent flurry of progress in understanding both the statistical and computational aspects of quantum learning, including many important contributions by members of the TCS community.

The goal of this workshop is to both introduce the concepts underlying quantum learning to the wider FOCS/STOC community, as well as to survey some of the exciting recent developments and open directions in this area. While we appreciate that the word “quantum” can be daunting to some in the TCS community, many of the important open questions in this area do not require much quantum background at all. In fact, many of the techniques which have found recent success are directly inspired by techniques from classical learning theory and optimization. It is our firm belief that the topics covered in this workshop will be quite approachable for the TCS community—including those without any prior quantum background—and more importantly, that this workshop will foster new dialogues across previously disparate areas of research.


Program: The workshop will be located at the voco: Chicago Downton

The program will feature tutorial-style talks on recent and exciting results in this area, and will gather open problems in the topic from and for the participants:

Call for Open Problems: To suggest an open problem, please fill this Google form 📋

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